Ciao! Updates from Tuscany | Chicca's Newsletter MARCH 2024

Published about 2 months ago • 1 min read

Ciao Reader,

I hope this letter finds you well and in a good spirit.

We returned from a quick visit to my family in Naples to find a new season awaiting us in Tuscany.

A different light.
A crescendo of bird songs.
Nature, ready to explode.

Spring. According to the calendar, spring officially begins on March 21st. In my garden, like before a concert, the preparations for this change have already commenced. After evenings by the fireplace or working on the computer wrapped in a warm blanket, the to-do list seems to grow longer by the day.

The garden demands much attention during this period: olive trees require pruning to ensure a bountiful harvest; young plants will find their space in the vegetable garden to grow and offer their harvest in the coming months. The grass, dormant for months, is growing every day. It's the mowing season.

Asparagus and artichokes are the stars of the markets and of my kitchen table. Their season doesn't last long so I make sure to incorporate them into our meals whenever possible. I feel so happy when I have a bunch of asparagus in my hands.

Another cooking season has come to an end, I can't believe we've been cooking online for 4 years, 13 seasons. It's amazing to think back to where Chicca's Cooking Club started in 2020, not knowing what this club would become. Our community has grown since then, with some members joining us from the very first season. We always look forward to our time together, especially during our handmade pasta classes, which are always a hit. I always love to see the smiles on people's faces when they successfully make pasta shapes that seem very challenging.

This short video clip captures one of those magical moments.

A new season of six Italian recipes
I've carefully crafted and perfected six new Italian recipes for the next spring-summer season. We will share them with the members of our cooking family. We'll use seasonal ingredients such as asparagus, zucchini, strawberries, and ricotta, which are at their best during the spring and summer months. I won't reveal the names of the recipes just yet, you'll find out soon... but I'll share only some photos with you to whet your appetite!

But perhaps I'll tell you the name of one recipe: Spaghetti alla Amatriciana, one of the most famous Italian recipes. Have you heard of it? Only four ingredients to make an iconic dish. Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication, as Leonardo da Vince said. Registrations to become a member of Chicca's Cooking Club open on April 1st. Stay tuned!

That’s all for now. Please feel free to reach out with any questions, feedback, or suggestions for the future. I'd love to hear from you.

Love from my kitchen in Tuscany,

Ciao, I’m Chicca. I have been teaching Italian cooking classes for over 20 years in our farmhouse located in Tuscany. Learn from me by joining Chicca's Cooking Club, a virtual culinary hub providing live classes, class replay videos, and digital content, sharing the joy of Italian cooking worldwide.

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